Submit controversial materials

Help Don’t Divide Us expose divisive teaching on race by uploading examples of controversial materials. Our upload process allows you to submit materials anonymously and guides you through a choice of options. Thank you!

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Don't Divide Us will never reveal your email address without your permission.
Please tell us the name of the school or organisation your materials relate to.
If relevant, please tell us whether your materials relate to infant, primary, secondary, further or higher education.
If relevant, please tell us the Council or Local Authority your materials relate to. For example, if the materials relate to a school in Islington, specify Islington.
Please provide as much contextual information about your materials as possible. For example: ‘Classroom presentation used in a primary school’ or ‘Training materials delivered to history teachers at a secondary school’.
I give my permission for Don’t Divide Us to use my materials for the following purposes (select those that apply).
Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
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